TMJ Treatment Colorado Springs

The Solution For Chronic Jaw & Head Pain

For people dealing with constant jaw and head pain, visiting the dentist is probably not their first instinct. However, our dentist has helped many people struggling with these symptoms finally get the relief they deserve using personalized TMJ treatment in Colorado Springs. By determining and removing the source of the problem, we can deliver long-term results that give our patients their daily comfort back. Give us a call if you’re ready to say goodbye to chronic jaw pain.

Why Choose Colorado Springs Complete Dentistry for TMJ Treatment?

  • Fully Customized TMJ Treatment Plans
  • Empathetic Dentist That Listens to Patients
  • Excellent for Stopping Headaches/Migraines

Common Signs of TMJ Disorder

Woman holding the side of her jaw in pain before T M J treatment in Colorado Springs

Your TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is what connects your lower jaw to your skull, and like other joints in the body, it can become dysfunctional and create all sorts of issues, including:

  • Stiff and aching jaw
  • Mouth that becomes stuck opening and closing
  • Jaw that consistently pops and clicks
  • Frequent headaches/migraines
  • Unconscious teeth grinding
  • Worn down/sensitive teeth
  • Unexplained earaches
  • Shoulder/neck pain

Treatment Options for TMJ Disorder

Dentist showing a patient a model of the mouth

Using a combination of X-rays and a comprehensive exam, we can determine what is at the root of your TMJ problem, and then we’ll address it directly.

Often, this kind of pain stems from an unbalanced bite that places undue pressure on the joint. An equilibration consists of slightly reshaping certain teeth so that when the mouth is closed, the pressure is even. This prevents the muscles from constantly fighting to reorient themselves and becoming overworked/strained.

Another option is to have a patient wear an occlusal splint to bed, which places the jaw into a more relaxed position. The muscles are allowed to rest and heal, plus the teeth are protected from grinding. In many cases, the jaw eventually “learns” how to stay in this new position, meaning the patient experiences long-term relief without having to use the splint every night.