Cosmetic Dentist Colorado Springs

Always Confident, Always Smiling

Your smile is how you make your first impression on the world, and in today’s image-conscious society, even small flaws can cause someone to think twice before speaking, laughing, or even taking a big bite of food. Your oral health is important, but we also know that having attractive teeth is good for the spirit. That’s why we offer a selection of cosmetic dentistry treatments in Colorado Springs that can take whatever you consider to be beautiful and turn it into a reality you see in the mirror every single day.

Why Choose Colorado Springs Complete Dentistry for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Fully Tailored Dental Treatment Plans for Each Patient
  • Strong Dental Materials That Stand the Test of Time
  • Kind Dentist that Listens & Prioritizes Patient Comfort


Cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs holding a dental veneer with tweezers

If you’ve ever wondered why every famous actor, singer, and athlete seems to have been blessed with a perfectly white and symmetrical smile, the truth is simple—they often have dental veneers! You can now benefit from this same treatment where thin porcelain shells are placed over the front of the teeth, improving their color, shape, size, and spacing all in just two appointments.

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Illustrated dental restoration being placed to repair a broken tooth

In the past, a dental crown was primarily used to save a damaged tooth and prevent it from being extracted. Thanks to advancements in dental materials and techniques, we can now place all-porcelain restorations to enhance imperfect teeth and create smiles that grab attention for all the right reasons. Whether you get a crown for aesthetic reasons, health reasons, or both, the end result will look great for many years to come.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Dental patient receiving cosmetic bonding on upper front tooth

For that one small gap, chip, or stain, nothing can take care of it faster than cosmetic dental bonding. Color-matched composite resin is applied to the enamel, and we shape it to make the flaw disappear. The entire procedure can be completed in less than an hour and doesn’t require any numbing, meaning you can get straight back to your day with renewed confidence!

Smile Makeovers

Dental patient looking in mirror and pointing to her smile

While the individual cosmetic dentistry treatments we offer can work wonders, the truth is that many patients require more than one to achieve the results they desire. This situation is quite common, and with a smile makeover, all of the necessary work can be completed using one personalized and cohesive treatment plan. This saves a patient time and ensures they get exactly what they want.