Emergency Dentist Colorado Springs

Dental Pain? We Won’t Make You Wait

Woman holding her cheek in pain before emergency dentistry in Colorado Springs

If you or a loved one is currently experiencing some kind of dental pain, you don’t need to wait—go ahead and give Colorado Springs Complete Dentistry a call. We leave time open every day for dental emergencies so people can get in without delay, and our dentist is able to perform a wide variety of procedures in-house. The only thing worse than a toothache is having to wait to get it fixed, but our Colorado Springs emergency dentist and team will do everything we can to help you as soon as possible!

Why Choose Colorado Springs Complete Dentistry for Emergency Dentistry?

  • Same-Day Dental Emergency Appointments
  • In-Network with Most PPO Dental Insurance
  • Most Dental Procedures Performed In-House

How We Treat Dental Emergencies

Dental patient holding her cheek in pain

We understand that time is precious when someone is in pain, so you can trust we’ll move fast when it really matters. The first thing you should do is give our team a call and explain your situation over the phone. We’ll let you know if you should come in right away and offer first-aid tips as needed.

When you arrive, we’ll perform an exam and take X-rays, so we fully understand the extent of the problem. We’ll present our findings, discuss treatment options (and their associated costs), and make sure someone’s pain has been stopped before they leave. While we’re able to accomplish a lot in a single appointment, if a patient requires extensive repair, we may ask them to come back for a follow-up.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

We recommend giving us a call if you even think you’re dealing with a dental emergency. It’s always better to be safe than sorry! Below, you’ll find some of the most common dental emergencies we deal with every day, but don’t hesitate to reach out even if your problem isn’t mentioned here.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Emergencies

Man smiling at dental office receptionist

Because dental emergencies can vary widely when it comes to their severity, the cost of treatment can be quite different from patient to patient as well. In general, the quicker you come to see us, the less expensive the solution will be because we’ll be able to handle the problem before it progresses. Thankfully, many emergency treatments can be partially covered by dental insurance, and we’ll discuss how we can use your plan when you come to see us (or go over financing options if you don’t have coverage).

Keys to Preventing Dental Emergencies

Young woman smiling while flossing her teeth

A little prevention can go a long way in helping you avoid a surprise dental visit…

  • Stop toothaches before they start by brushing and flossing at least twice a day.
  • Keep up with your dental checkups…we can often spot problems before you notice them!
  • Be mindful when eating particularly sticky or crunchy foods.
  • Don’t use your teeth to open packages—go grab the scissors!
  • Play sports? Pop in a mouthguard even if the game is non-contact.